Saturday, July 21, 2012


  Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) means a navigation information system which with adequate back-up arrangements can be accepted as complying with the up-to-date chart required by regulation V/20 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, by displaying selected information from a system electronic navigational chart (SENC) with positional information from navigation sensors to assist the mariner in route planning and route monitoring, and if required display additional navigation-related information.
  ECDIS should be capable of displaying all chart information necessary for safe and efficient navigation originated by, and distributed on the authority of, government authorized hydrographic offices.
   ECDIS should facilitate simple and reliable updating of the electronic navigational chart.
ECDIS should reduce the navigational workload compared to using the paper chart.
      It should enable the mariner to execute in a convenient and timely manner all route planning, route monitoring and positioning currently performed on paper charts.
   It should be capable of continuously plotting the ship's position.
   ECDIS should have at least the same reliability and availability of presentation as the paper chart published by government authorized hydrographic offices.
  ECDIS should provide appropriate alarms or indications with respect to the information displayed or malfunction of the equipment
  ECDIS should be capable of displaying all SENC information.
  SENC information available for display during route planning and route monitoring
  should be subdivided into the following three categories, Display Base, Standard Display
  and All Other Information (see Appendix 2).
  ECDIS should present the Standard Display at any time by a single operator action.
   When a chart is first displayed on ECDIS, it should provide the Standard Display at the largest scale available in the SENC for the displayed area.
   It should be easy to add or remove information from the ECDIS display. It should not be possible to remove information contained in the Display Base.
  It should be possible for the mariner to select a safety contour from the depth contours provided by the SENC. ECDIS should emphasize the safety contour over other contours on the display.
   It should be possible for the mariner to select a safety depth. ECDIS should emphasize soundings equal to or less than the safety depth whenever spot soundings are selected for display.
  The ENC and all updates to it should be displayed without any degradation of their information content.
   ECDIS should provide a method to ensure that the ENC and all updates to it have been correctly loaded into the SENC.
   The ENC data and updates to it should be clearly distinguishable from other displayed information, such as, for example, that listed in Appendix 3.
  It should not be possible to alter the contents of the ENC.
   Updates should be stored separately from the ENC.
   ECDIS should be capable of accepting official updates to the ENC data provided in conformity with IHO standards. These updates should be automatically applied to the SENC. By whatever means updates are received, the implementation procedure should not interfere with the display in use.
  ECDIS should also be capable of accepting updates to the ENC data entered manually with simple means for verification prior to the final acceptance of the data. They would be distinguishable on the display from ENC information and its official updates and not affect display legibility.
  ECDIS should keep a record of updates including time of application to the SENC.
   ECDIS should allow the mariner to display updates in order to review their contents and to ascertain that they have been included in the SENC.

Advantage of  ECDIS over paper Chart:

  Position fixing can be done at required interval without manual interference
  Continuous  monitoring of the ships position
  When interfaced with ARPA/RADAR,target can be monitored continuously
  If two position fixing system are available,the discrepancy in two systems can be identified
  Charts can be corrected with help of CD/online
  Passage planning can be done on ECDIS without referring to other publications 
  Various alarm can be set on ECDIS
  Progress of the passage can be monitored in more disciplined manner ,since other navigational data is available on ECDIS
  Various alarm can be activated to draw the attention of OOW
  More accurate ETA can be calculated
  Anchoring can be planned more precisely

  Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) and
  Raster Navigational Charts (RNCs).
  Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) are official vector charts that conform to strict IHO Specifications that have been issued by or on behalf of a national hydrographic authority.
  ENCs consist of digitised data that records all the relevant chart features such as coastlines, buoys, lights, etc. These features and their attributes (such as position,colour, shape) are held in a database -like structure that allows them to be selectively displayed and queried, creating the potential to manipulate the chart image when displayed on screen. Because of their  vector format, ENCs can also be linked to other onboard systems to provide additional automatic features such as warning alarms.
  3 variations of the same ENC, showing minimum, intermediate and maximum data display levels.

  RNCs use raster data to reproduce paper charts in an electronic format. Their familiar ‘paper chart’ image helps users gain confidence with the use of electronic charts, by providing a direct link between display screen and chart table. RNCs consist of thousands of tiny coloured dots (pixels), that together make a flat digital image. Every pixel is geographically referenced, enabling accurate real-time (continually updated) display of vessel position when your chart display system is linked to GPS. Additional user defined information such as route plans and shoal areas can be overlaid on an RNC to provide automatic links to other  onboard systems (e.g. warning alarms) but unlike ENCs, charted features cannot be selectively displayed or queried

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Basic Principle

Short pulses of sound vibrations are transmitted from the bottom of the ship to the seabed. These sound waves are reflected back by the seabed and the time taken from transmission to reception of the reflected sound waves is measured.  Since the speed of sound in water is 1500 m/sec, the depth of the sea bed is calculated which will be half the distance travelled by the sound waves.
The received echoes are converted into electrictal signal by the receiving transducer and after passing through the different stages of the receiver, the current is supplied to stylus which burns out the coating of the thin layer of aluminium powder and produces the black mark on the paper indicating the depth of seabed. 

Basically an echo sounder has following components:
Transducer – to generate the sound vibrations and also receive the reflected sound vibration.
Pulse generator – to produce electrical oscillations for the transmitting transducer.
Amplifier – to amplify the weak electrical oscillations that has been generated by the receiving transducer on reception of the reflected sound vibration. 
Recorder  - for measuring and indicating depth. 
An echo sounder will normally have the following controls:
Range Switch – to select the range between which the depth is be checked e.g.  0- 50 m, 1 – 100 m, 100 – 200 m  etc.  Always check the lowest range first before shifting to a higher range.
Unit selector switch – to select the unit feet, fathoms or meter as required.
Gain switch – to be adjusted such that the clearest echo line is recorded on the paper.
Paper speed control – to select the speed of the paper – usually two speeds available.
Zero Adjustment or Draught setting control – the echo sounder will normally display the depth below the keel.  This switch can be used to feed the ship’s draught such that the echo sounder will display the total sea depth.  This switch is also used to adjust the start of the transmission of the sound pulse to be in line with the zero of the scale in use.
Fix or event marker  - this button is used to draw a line on the paper as a mark to indicate certain time e.g. passing a navigational mark, when a position is plotted on the chart etc.
Transducer changeover switch – in case vessel has more than one switch e.g. forward and aft transducer.
Dimmer – to illuminate the display as required.  
Pulse Length
The pulse length is the duration between the leading edge and the trailing edge.The pulse length determine the minimum distance that can be measured by the echo sounder.The minimum measurable distance will be equal to the half of the pulse length.for the shallow water short pulse is used while for the deeper water long pulse is used.
Pulse repetition frequency
This is the nos of pulse transmitted per second.This determines the maximum range that can be measured by the echo sounder.The PRF is normally automatically selected and changes as the range scale is changed.for lower range,High PRF is used whereas for the higher range ,low PRF is used.
Electrostrictive transducer
This type makes use of the special properties of crystals (e.g. crystals of barium-titanate and lead zirconate). If an alternating voltage is applied to the opposite faces of a flat piece of one of the above materials, the crystal will expand and contract, and hence vibrate creating sound waves for  as long as the vibrations continue. The process is reversible, i.e. when varying pressure from a returning echo, is applied to the opposite faces, an alternating voltage is generated across the faces and the same can be further amplified and used to activate an indicator.
Magnetostrictive transducer
In this type, the use is made of the magneto-striction effect which is a phenomenon whereby magnetization of ferromagnetic materials produce a small change in their dimensions, and conversely the application of mechanical stresses such as weak pressure vibrations, as from an echo to them, produce magnetic changes in them; e.g. a nickel bar when placed in the direction of or strength of the magnetic field. If the nickel bar is placed in a coil with an alternating current flowing through it (a solenoid), the varying current and magnetic field will cause the ends of the bar to vibrate and hence create a sound wave. This is what happens when the transducer is transmitting.
Echo sounder
Factors affecting the siting of transducer:
AIR BUBBLE & CROSS NOISE: The transducer should be installed in a position where there is very less chance of formation of the air bubbles.Air bubbles will act as large reflectors of transmitted energy if lot of air bubbles are formed close the transducer.This will also create the cross noise.
  There are various locations on the ship where formation of air bubble is less e.g.
a) On large ,fast,deep draft ships-1/8 to ¼ L of the ship from forward
On medium speed ships- forward most portion of the ship.
On slow cargo ships-1/4 L from aft
On oil tanker –normally forward end of the E/Room bulkhead.
In echo sounder the stylus is moving with certain constant speed and transmission takes place when the stylus passes the zero marks.When the higher range is selected the speed of the stylus is reduced as stylus has to paper for the longer duration.This system is called the ranging.
In phasing the speed of the stylus motor remains constant.In stead of changing the speed of the stylus,the transmission point is advanced.
The sensors are positioned around the stylus belt.The magnet generates the pulse when it passes the sensors which in turns activate the transmitter.
1.Velocity of propagation in water:
      The velocity taken for the calculation of the is 15oom/sec.The velocity of the sound wave is changing due to the change of the salinity and temperature of the sea water. As velocity is varying hence depth recorded will be erroneous.
2. STYLUS SPEED ERROR:The speed of the stylus is such that the time taken by the stylus to travel from top to bottom on chart is same as the time taken by sound wave to travel twice the range selected.
 but due to fluctuation in voltage supplied to stylus motor ,will cause error in the recorded depth.
    This error is found when two transducer are used one for transmission and one for reception.This error is calculated using the Pythagoras principle.
4.Multiple ECHO:The echo may be reflected  no of times from the bottom of the sea bed,hence providing the multiple depth marks on paper.
5.The thermal and density layers:
     The density of the water varies with temperature and salinity ,which all tends to form different layers.The sound wave may be reflected from these layers .
  6.Zero line adjustment error:
    If the zero is not adjusted properly,it will give error in reading
    If sensitivity of the amplifier is high,just after zero marking a narrow line alongwith the several irregular dots and dashes appear and this is called cross noise.The main reasons for the cross noise are aeration and picking up the transmitted pulse.If intensity of cross noise is high,it will completely mask the shallow water depths.This is controlled by swept gain control circuit.
  When the sound wave is reflected from the reflected from the air bubbles,it will appear as dots,this is known as aeration.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Global Positioning system


Space Segment
  GPS satellites fly in circular orbits at an altitude of 20,200 km and with a period of 12 hours.
  Powered by solar cells, the satellites continuously orient themselves to point their solar panels toward the sun and their antenna toward the earth.
  Orbital planes are centered on the Earth
  Each planes has about 55° tilt relative to Earth's equator in order to cover the polar regions.
  Space Segment (Continued)
  Each satellite makes two complete orbits each sidereal day.
  Sidereal - Time it takes for the Earth to turn 360 degrees in its rotation
  It passes over the same location on Earth once each day.
  Orbits are designed so that at the very least, six satellites are always within line of sight from any location on the planet.
  There are currently 30 actively broadcasting satellites in the GPS constellation.
  Redundancy is used by the additional satellites to improve the precision of GPS receiver calculations.
  A non-uniform arrangement improves the reliability and availability of the system over that of a uniform system, when multiple satellites fail
  This is possible due to the number of satellites in the air today

  Control Segment
  The CS consists of 3 entities:
  Master Control System
  Monitor Stations
  Ground Antennas
  Master Control Station
  The master control station, located at Falcon Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado, is responsible for overall management of the remote monitoring and transmission sites.
  GPS ephemeris is the tabulation of computed positions, velocities and derived right ascension and declination of GPS satellites at specific times for eventual upload to GPS satellites.
  Monitor Stations
  Six monitor stations are located at Falcon Air Force Base in Colorado, Cape Canaveral, Florida, Hawaii, Ascension Island in the Atlantic Ocean, Diego Garcia Atoll in the Indian Ocean, and Kwajalein Island in the South Pacific Ocean.
  Each of the monitor stations checks the exact altitude, position, speed, and overall health of the orbiting satellites.
  The control segment uses measurements collected by the monitor stations to predict the behavior of each satellite's orbit and clock.
  The prediction data is up-linked, or transmitted, to the satellites for transmission back to the users.
  The control segment also ensures that the GPS satellite orbits and clocks remain within acceptable limits. A station can track up to 11 satellites at a time.
  This "check-up" is performed twice a day, by each station, as the satellites complete their journeys around the earth.
  Variations such as those caused by the gravity of the moon, sun and the pressure of solar radiation, are passed along to the master control station.
  Ground Antennas
  Ground antennas monitor and track the satellites from horizon to horizon.
  They also transmit correction information to individual satellites.
  User Segment
  The  GPS receiver is the USER of the GPS system.
  GPS receivers are generally composed of an antenna, tuned to the frequencies transmitted by the satellites, receiver-processors, and a highly-stable clock, commonly a crystal oscillator).
  They can also include a display for showing location and speed information to the user.
  A receiver is often described by its number of channels this signifies how many satellites it can monitor simultaneously. As of recent, receivers  usually have between twelve and twenty channels.
  User Segment (continued)
  Using the RTCM SC-104 format, GPS receivers may include an input for differential corrections.
  This is typically in the form of a RS-232 port at 4,800 bps speed. Data is actually sent at a much lower rate, which limits the accuracy of the signal sent using RTCM.
  Receivers with internal DGPS receivers are able to outclass those using external RTCM data.

  The SVs transmit two microwave carrier signals. The L1 frequency (1575.42 MHz) carries the navigation message and the SPS code signals. The L2 frequency (1227.60 MHz) is used to measure the ionospheric delay by PPS equipped receivers.
  Three binary codes shift the L1 and/or L2 carrier phase.
  The C/A Code (Coarse Acquisition) modulates the L1 carrier phase. The C/A code is a repeating 1 MHz Pseudo Random Noise (PRN) Code. This noise-like code modulates the L1 carrier signal, "spreading" the spectrum over a 1 MHz bandwidth. The C/A code repeats every 1023 bits (one millisecond). There is a different C/A code PRN for each SV. GPS satellites are often identified by their PRN number, the unique identifier for each pseudo-random-noise code. The C/A code that modulates the L1 carrier is the basis for the civil SPS.
  The P-Code (Precise) modulates both the L1 and L2 carrier phases. The P-Code is a very long (seven days) 10 MHz PRN code. In the Anti-Spoofing (AS) mode of operation, the P-Code is encrypted into the Y-Code. The encrypted Y-Code requires a classified AS Module for each receiver channel and is for use only by authorized users with cryptographic keys. The P (Y)-Code is the basis for the PPS.
  The Navigation Message also modulates the L1-C/A code signal. The Navigation Message is a 50 Hz signal consisting of data bits that describe the GPS satellite orbits, clock corrections, and other system parameters.
a)Pseudo random code:This code identifies the satellite because each satellite has got unique code
b)Ephemeris data:this provides the status of the satellite,current date and time
c)Almanac data:this provides the the status of all satellites  including theirs locations through out the day
  P code and C/A code:
  The C/A code is made up of a sequence of 0’s and 1’s called the chip,having a frequency of 1.023MBits/sec and in terms of distatnce ,it is 293m.the duration of each chip is 1µs and entire sequence is of one millisecond.the code sequence of 1023  such chips arranged in pseudo random order known to the receiver  and repeated every after one millisecond.
  The C/A code can be decoded by the civilian GPS
  P code and C/A code
  In case of P code the chip frequency is 10.23MBits/sec,the duration of each chip is 0.1µs and in terms of distance 29.3m.the full code length is of 267 days and each satellite is allocated only 7days piece of code,during this interval there is no repetition of the code.Every 6 secs the satellite transmits the time that has lapsed since P code started.
  Precise position system
  Authorized users with cryptographic equipment and keys and specially equipped receivers use the Precise Positioning System. U. S. and Allied military, certain U. S. Government agencies, and selected civil users specifically approved by the U. S. Government, can use the PPS.
  PPS Predictable Accuracy
  22 meter Horizontal accuracy
  27.7 meter vertical accuracy
  200 nanosecond time (UTC) accuracy
  The Precise Positioning Service (PPS) is a highly accurate military positioning, velocity and timing service which will be available on a continuous, worldwide basis to users authorized by the U.S. P(Y) codecapable military user equipment provides a predictable positioning accuracy of at least 22 meters (95 percent) horizontally and 27.7 meters vertically and time transfer accuracy to UTC within 200 nanoseconds (95 percent).
  PPS will be the data transmitted on the GPS L1 and L2 frequencies. PPS was designed primarily for U.S. military use. It will be denied to unauthorized users by the use of cryptography. PPS will be made available to U.S. and military and U.S. Federal Government users. Limited, non-Federal Government, civil use of PPS, both domestic and foreign, will be considered upon request and authorized on a case-by-case basis, provided:
  It is in the U.S. national interest to do so.
  Specific GPS security requirements can be met by the applicant.
  A reasonable alternative to the use of PPS is not available.
  Standard positioning system
  The Standard Positioning Service (SPS) is a positioning and timing service which will be available to all GPS users on a continuous, worldwide basis with no direct charge. SPS will be provided on the GPS L1 frequency which contains a coarse acquisition (C/A) code and a navigation data message. SPS provides a predictable positioning accuracy of 100 meters (95 percent) horizontally and 156 meters (95 percent) vertically and time transfer accuracy to UTC within 340 nanoseconds (95 percent).
  These GPS accuracy figures are from the 1999 Federal Radionavigation Plan. The figures are 95% accuracies, and express the value of two standard deviations of radial error from the actual antenna position to an ensemble of position estimates made under specified satellite elevation angle (five degrees) and PDOP (less than six) conditions.
  For horizontal accuracy figures 95% is the equivalent of 2drms (two-distance root-mean-squared), or twice the radial error standard deviation. For vertical and time errors 95% is the value of two-standard deviations of vertical error or time error.
  Receiver manufacturers may use other accuracy measures. Root-mean-square (RMS) error is the value of one standard deviation (68%) of the error in one, two or three dimensions. Circular Error Probable (CEP) is the value of the radius of a circle, centered at the actual position that contains 50% of the position estimates. Spherical Error Probable (SEP) is the spherical equivalent of CEP, that is the radius of a sphere, centered at the actual position, that contains 50% of the three dimension position estimates. As opposed to 2drms, drms, or RMS figures, CEP and SEP are not affected by large blunder errors making them an overly optimistic accuracy measure
  Some receiver specification sheets list horizontal accuracy in RMS or CEP and without Selective Availability, making those receivers appear more accurate than those specified by more responsible vendors using more conservative error measures
  The GPS Navigation Message consists of time-tagged data bits marking the time of transmission of each subframe at the time they are transmitted by the SV. A data bit frame consists of 1500 bits divided into five 300-bit subframes. A data frame is transmitted every thirty seconds. Three six-second subframes contain orbital and clock data. SV Clock corrections are sent in subframe one and precise SV orbital data sets (ephemeris data parameters) for the transmitting SV are sent in subframes two and three. Subframes four and five are used to transmit different pages of system data. An entire set of twenty-five frames (125 subframes) makes up the complete Navigation Message that is sent over a 12.5 minute period.
  Data frames (1500 bits) are sent every thirty seconds. Each frame consists of five subframes.
  Data bit subframes (300 bits transmitted over six seconds) contain parity bits that allow for data checking and limited error correction.
  Contents of Navigational Message
  The navigation message is made up of three major components. The first part contains the GPS date and time, plus the satellite's status and an indication of its health. The second part contains orbital information called ephemeris data and allows the receiver to calculate the position of the satellite. The third part, called the almanac, contains information and status concerning all the satellites; their locations and PRN numbers.
  Navigational message
  GPS Frequencies
  L1 (1575.42 MHz) - Mix of Navigation Message, coarse-acquisition (C/A) code and encrypted precision P(Y) code.
  L2 (1227.60 MHz) - P(Y) code, plus the new L2C code on the Block IIR-M and newer satellites.
  L3 (1381.05 MHz) - Used by the Defense Support Program to signal detection of missile launches, nuclear detonations, and other applications.
  GPS Proposed Frequencies
  L4 (1379.913 MHz) - Being studied for additional correction to the part of the atmosphere that is ionized by solar radiation.
  L5 (1176.45 MHz) – To be used as a civilian safety-of-life (SoL) signal.
  Internationally protected range for aeronautical navigation.
  The first satellite that using this signal to be launched in 2008.
  Position Calculation
  The coordinates are calculated according to the World Geodetic System WGS84 coordinate system.
  The satellites are equipped with atomic clocks
  Receiver uses an internal crystal oscillator-based clock that is continually updated using the signals from the satellites.
  Receiver identifies each satellite's signal by its distinct C/A code pattern, then measures the time delay for each satellite.
  Position Calculation (cont’d)
  The receiver emits an identical C/A sequence using the same seed number the satellite used.
  By aligning the two sequences, the receiver can measure the delay and calculate the distance to the satellite, called the pseudorange.
  Orbital position data from the Navigation Message is used to calculate the satellite's precise position. Knowing the position and the distance of a satellite indicates that the receiver is located somewhere on the surface of an imaginary sphere centered on that satellite and whose radius is the distance to it.
  Position Calculation (cont’d)
  When four satellites are measured at the same time, the point where the four imaginary spheres meet is recorded as the location of the receiver.
  Earth-based users can substitute the sphere of the planet for one satellite by using their altitude. Often, these spheres will overlap slightly instead of meeting at one point, so the receiver will yield a mathematically most-probable position.
   As a GPS signal passes through the charged particles of the ionosphere and then through the water vapour in the troposphere it gets slowed down a bit, and this creates the same kind of error as bad clocks.
  There are a couple of ways to minimize this kind of error. For one thing we can predict what a typical delay might be on a typical day.
  This is called modeling and it helps but, of course, atmospheric conditions are rarely exactly typical.
  This “ dual frequency” measurement is very sophisticated and is only possible with advanced receivers.
     If the user clock is not perfectly synchronised with satellite’s clock,the range measurement will be wrong
   This error is caused due to  the error in the satellite’s clock wrt the  GPS time.this is monitored by the ground based segments and any error in the satellite clock forms part of the navigational message
  The GPS signal may bounce off various local obstructions before it gets to the receiver.
  This is called multipath erro
5.DEVAITION OF SATELLITE FROM PREDICTED PATH:the satellite are monitored and their paths are predicted by the ground based stations.however between the two consecutive monitoring of the same satellites,their may be minor drifts from their predicted paths resulting in small position inaccuracy.
  6.GEOMETRIC DILUTION OF PRECISION: This depends on the number and the geometry of the satellites used.
  If four satellites are clustered near each other, then one meter of error in measuring distance may result in tens or hundreds of meters of error in position.But if many satellites are scattered around the sky, then the position error may be less than 1.5 meters for every meter of error in measuring distances.
  The effect of the geometry of the satellites on the position error is called Geometric Dilution Of Precision (GDOP), which can roughly be interpreted as the ratio of the position error to the range error.
  Imagine the tetrahedron that is formed by lines connecting the receiver to each satellite used.
  The larger the volume of this tetrahedron, the smaller (better) the GDOP.
  In most cases, the larger the number of satellites the smaller the GDOP.
  Working of DGPS
The reference station established on ground receives signals from the satellites, after which it calculates the difference in the positioning of its own location. The reference station provides the users with the necessary corrections in the distance measured by the GPS system. These corrections are transmitted by means of ultra high frequency waves (UHF). Only those users, within the range of 370 km of the reference stations can benefit from the service. However, even the DGPS can generate errors resulting from the distortions produced in the troposphere and ionosphere. The ephemeris errors may also lead to the users receiving incorrect information. Thus, the information provided by the DGPS loses accuracy as we move away from the reference station. The errors in the DGPS may range from 0.22 to 0.67 km per 100 km.
  Limitations Of DGPS
  The corrections which will be applied to the position is valid for particular position i.e. for the reference station and roving stations close to the reference station.As the distance from the reference station increases, the  error in the wave will be different .Ionospheric and tropospheric correction will vary.
  There may be chance that ephemeris data received at the reference may be different and that will lead to the incorrect correction
  The multipath error will remain uncorrected or correction based  on the this will lead to the error in position.
  Some area which is far away from the transmitting  will not be to receive data from the Reference station.